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Days with My Father

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i was checking out some threads in PiPho a while ago before i finally retiring myself to sleep when a post by Sir Regie caught my attention.. it was entitled be inspired, be touched.. being the soppy person that i am, especially in the wee hours of the morning, i clicked and checked out the thread as well..

it reads..

i stumbled upon this site

and so i did.. it was indeed a very touching site.. it was the site of Philip Toledano.. a photographer documenting the days he spends with his father without short term memory.. his story-telling was simple and yet it will surely move you in so many ways.. his pictures, i guess, will tell you the whole story..

this part made me shed a tear..
Sometimes, when we're talking,
my dad will stop, and sigh,
and close his eyes.

It's then that I know, that he knows.

About my mum.

About everything.

have a great week ahead everyone! ♥

Original posted by babydoodles